Tag Archives: flat pack

Your own flatpack house for 30,000€ built in 6-7 hours?

New homeowners are looking for inexpensive, unique, greener, and smarter homes that are durable and energy-efficient at the same time. Prefabricated homes are one solution.

Architect Renato Vidal from Italy has designed a miniature home that he claims can be built in 6-7 hours. It is built in a factory, doesn’t need concrete foundations, and can also be upgraded to run off-grid.  It is claimed to earthquake resistant

The foldable design was created by Italian architect, Renato Vidal
All basic models include a fitted bathroom, kitchen connections and technical installations

The best bit is that the homes can be folded up and transported when you get bored with the location.

Too good to be true? Perhaps, as the 30,000€ quoted is for just 27m2, below the minimum permitted size of a habitable property in Spain.  The larger 2/3 bed models are much more practical and appear to be priced at about 60,000€.  Land costs, site purchase and fees would have to be added to the equation.

Prefab homes are the homes of the future. The exceptional convenience, cutting-edge architecture and eco-efficiency are everything that a homeowner would love to invest in, especially in these changing times.